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News — steelpan news

KaribPAN is Now Offering High Gloss Painted Pans in The Color Of Your Choice

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KaribPAN is Now Offering High Gloss Painted Pans in The Color Of Your Choice

 All ranges and not patterns are now available on the Colour of your choice! Please inquire within for ordering information.   

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A Call For an Official PANart Apology in Light of the GUILTY Verdict Rendered by Dr. Anthony Achong

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Dr. Anthony Achong recently rendered a decisive GUILTY verdict against PANart on When Steel Talks (WST), which is the Supreme Court of the Pan world. Dr. Achong, who is a distinguished Pan Scientist, Physicist, Advisor to the Steelpan Tuners Guild of Trinidad & Tobago, and author of the preeminent, steelpan tuning book entitled, ''Secrets of the Steelpan - Unlocking the Secrets of the Science, Technology, Tuning and Operation of the Steelpan'', is a highly credible Supreme Court Justice, if not the Chief Justice where steelpan tuning is concerned. Dr. Achong wrote the steelpan tuning book after all, all 1200 pages of it!  This case...

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