The Official PANArt Documentary, ''Hang: A Discreet Revolution'' is still such a highly promoted piece of propaganda 10 years after its release, that even we at KaribPAN cannot get enough of it. The more we revisit this documentary for the purposes of this blog, the more gems we stumble upon concerning proof that PANArt is a colonial organization built on lies and exploitation of the steelpan instrument. In this particular instance however, we will focus on some very insightful and profound public YouTube comments that have been posted underneath the propaganda piece in question. These comments prove that while PANArt can definitely fool some of the people sometimes, they cannot fool all the people all of the time.
The fools in question either choose to be fools due to willful and knowing ignorance, or plain-old ignorance. The wilfully and knowingly ignorant fools are plentiful in the hang/handpan community and persist in perpetuating the debunked myth that ''The Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabine Schärer in Bern, Switzerland'' (according to wikipedia). Numerous other handpan disinformation dissemination outlets also parrot the same debunked myth on their sites despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary that the hang/handpan is a retro steelpan that was originally created in Trinidad. Handpan discussion groups like Kelly Hutchinson's fascist driven, group-think oriented ''Handpan Instruments'' group still boldly credits Felix Rohner and Sabine Schärer as being inventors of the Hang, as does Handpan Magazine,, and many other handpan related sites.
However, in spite all of the ignorance, apparently, many of the commenters on YouTube who have weighed in on the PANArt myth to date are not at all confused about the true origin of the hang/handpan. It would not be a stretch to say that some of the more recent commenters have been reading our blog!
Potent and Poignant Public YouTube Comments on the Official PANArt Hang Documentary